Truth can be dreams

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Hello? Are there really other humans in this world? All I see these days is the walls of my house and poopy bums. Ah the many joys of motherhood....

Iam sick. My body is really sore and my throat is sore. Ryan is working again and I want to scream. Actually I want to cry. Iam so sick of whining, but it just seems that this season will never come to an end. I need to learn to embrace this time. I need to realise that this is my life and no one else's. Other people might be getting out, getting time to themselves, seeing their husbands for longer than one hour a day(four days a week), but for me that is not what is happening right now. THAT is not MY life. My life is different than that. I have no family here, when I am sick I don't have someone to come and save me for an hour or two so I can get a nap (except Carlie but hey man she works to hard to come and babysit for me). This is the path that we have chosen for now. To have children while going to school and working, to move away from family. I need to stop getting frustrated about this. God gives the the strength I need, he always has. I am strong because of him, because of the tough situations I have been in. Ya things are hard right now but I need to press on towards the goal. I gotta give it ALL over to God, not just some but all. I must stand strong, stay the course, look to Jesus, TRUST. Wow....TRUST, the most difficult thing in the world for me......TRUST. I will continue to FIGHT. To fight for the life I can and do have in Christ.

I needed that pep talk...thanks self :)

hayes at 10:07 a.m.


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