Truth can be dreams

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Here comes the holiday weekend! YA RIGHT! Not so much for us. I work friday, sat, sun, and monday! I am going to be totally dead tired by monday night. I keep setting myself up for dissapointment in a way. In my mind I say.....alright if we can just get through this month, or this week, or if I can just make it through this shift at work everything will be good. I will some how feel better, or all of a sudden my problems will be solved. Then of course the month ends, the week is eventually over and the work shift comes to an end and the problems are still there. I shouldn't call them "problems" really more like issues, stress, hard times. Things people deal with regularly. If we only have a little more money, sleep, time, bla bla bla...things will be better. WRONG..... I know this stuff. I am begining to see how much I play a part in all the crap I deal with. Things I could do different to help myself out. Different attitudes that I should have. Learning to live daily with Jesus is rough sometimes. But I press on towards the goal.....I will not give up. Is the Lord my strength or what? OH YA! I am weak. I love God. He's the bomb!
hayes at 10:07 p.m.


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