Truth can be dreams

Thursday, April 03, 2003

It snows.. Interesting. I can handle it. I think. I was just feeling so good about spring and summer. But this can't last long right? Just tell me it won't last long and I think I will be alright.

I am getting more and more excited about the new baby. It is going to be really neat. I know it will also be very hard but there are millions of women and men who have been through the same situation (having children). I know God will give us the strength to make it through the hard times. It's going to be great.

Alright listen we really need prayer.......we have been trying to get a house for many months now and things just aren't working out. Now you may think that maybe God is telling us that we shouldn't get a house this year but I really feel that he does want us to have a place. At first I was killer anxious about the whole thing and wanted a house right away, but over the months I have totally let it die in me (which I believe was a good thing). But now I feel that we should really get on it and find a place. But the guy we are working with onthe financial stuff has not sent some important emails to Ryans parents. We have called him about 6 times inthe past month and now he says he is having computer trouble. AHHHHHHHHHH! I want to freak. We are running out of time and silly things keep getting in the way. SO please pray for us that things will begin to go smoothly for us. Thanks. Sorry if that whole thing was confusing.
hayes at 6:07 p.m.


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