Truth can be dreams

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Wow it's almost been an entire week since I updated. It's mostly because I have been super busy. Trinity has been keeping me busy and when she isn't Silver is. Im just so exhausted. Ryan worked 3 days ina row and now he is at school again... God bless all single parents I have no clue how they do it. I've started working out a bit and my body is sooo sore. I can't wait to get back into shape but right now I almost want to quit because it hurts.

Winter .... Iam not prepared for this. All this snow and cold. How not fun.

Ryan is considering a bit of an education change. He just might major only in Theatre and minor in english. His is very gifted in drama and it's silly really if he doesn't pursue it full on. But that would mean we would be moving in about 3 years so he could finnish his education. They don't offer what he needs to take here. He wants to be a professor. Alright SIlver needs me.....

hayes at 12:02 p.m.


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