call me stupid
The really crappy thing is I did this in front of people who don't know me. So they can't just know that I totally don't think like that or feel that way. I need to make this right. That is my goal this weekend. I hope I can be brave enough to tackle this.
It's funny because I finally was brave enough to open myself up to new people and this happens. Exactly what I have been afraid of. I suppose part of the lesson in this is that it won't kill me. If I am smart about it , it can make me wiser.
It will be a major hurtle for me to jump over in my life if I can get through my fears of ....... myself. I don't totally trust myself around people. Say something stupid, act like an idiot, and people can write you off. I suppose I feel that way because that is what I have done with people in my life many times. Reap what you sew....... darn it.