Truth can be dreams

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Here I am. I have been helping out with a kids dance/art camp this week and I am dead tired. I've also been working at the toy store a few nights. My body is just totally done. My ankle has taken a bit of a beating as well. I really want to see the physiotherapist but I need to wait a bit until we can afford it.

Ryan is off camping with a few friends. I owed him big time for doing all the parenting while I was in California. So this is a bit of a payback. He will be home tomorrow in time for me to get to work.

I wonder how many of you hate that that my blog has become a journal of my days instead of my thoughts, inspirations, dreams and prayers. I will still have some moments on this blog for deep thoughts but really I am living out some of my biggest dreams and walking through prayers. I guess I don't have much to talk about because I'm living it. I don't seem to have much time to blog. Which is fine with me.

I will take some pictures of our van soon. Our camera isn't working very well these past few weeks. I'll do my best. I guess we'll need to get a new digital this fall. We use ours all the time and if it goes we'll miss it.
hayes at 7:09 p.m.


Blogger Rae said...

Hey Alexandra, thanks for saying Hi.. I can sympathize with the tiredness thing. Whew boy. Bummer that your ankle is still bothering you... hope you can get that better.

1:58 a.m.  

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