Truth can be dreams: Tales of the CROSS

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Tales of the CROSS

When I was 21......that's when I made my choice. My choice to begin my journey with Jesus. Within 2 weeks I was on a traveling ministry team. It was completely insane.

I just pulled out my bible from that first year. It was actually a bible that one of my sister gave to me in 1993. But I had barely looked at it until I made that choice.

It became so ALIVE to me. The words were seriously on FIRE. Jesus spoke to me everyday so clearly. I was a huge sponge that just craved anything JESUS. I could have nothing else. I didn't want to watch tv. Or read books that had nothing to do with Jesus. I could hardly have a conversation with anyone unless we were speaking of the Lord. What an incredible time that was.

The people I was surrounded by had all been living for Jesus different lengths of time. Some 5 years, some thier whole lives. When some of them would speak about how they used to drink or smoke or do drugs, and how God brought them out of that it would be such a distant thing for them. For me it was as close as 3 weeks before. It was such a surreal experience then and even now when I think back.

I have been reflecting on my history with God. It's been amazing. So incredibly intense at times, and sickly dry at others. I have appreciated every moment. I have not enjoyed every moment nor loved walking through some of the things I have, but how incredible is GOD! He took of all people. An angry, hurting, lonely, bitter, proud mess of a girl and hid me under his wing. He created me to dance, sing, worship, press on, to really WIN!

I often think of the first thing I will do or ask when I get to heaven. It always changes according to my mood or life experience that I am walking through. Today all I want to do it walk up to Jesus and lay my head slowly and peacefully upon his chest and just listen to him breathe.

hayes at 8:45 p.m.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that was beautiful and inspiring.I just joined this world of online journaling and jen m. gave me your link so i went to it.dont know if you remember me or not from kamloops,carlie lived with me for a bit any how just thought id say hi,nice to see you have kids now bet they are cuties.What i remember about you the most is your dance it was unique and captivating to and paige are probably the only dancers that have ever held me captive and Ive been ministered to by.anyhow bless you Alexandra and your little family i enjoyed reading your page (although this does feel wierd reading peoples sacred thoughts almost feels wrong invasive but i guess people do it knowing people are gonna read their stuff and im sure someone somewhere will read mine and thats cool.......i think....ok bye .......jewel m

1:43 a.m.  
Blogger hayes said...

Jewel of course I remember you! You got our awesome bed when we left town! HAHAHA...... anyway, do you have a blog site? I'd love to check it out. This whole blog world is kinda wierd but its also pretty great too. It's nice to get to know people better.
I hope all is well with you and your family. Are you still living in Kamloops?

7:33 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmmmm I loved your last comment, about just laying your head on his chest and listenning to him breath. That's tottaly where I am at too.


4:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyyy there glad you remember me!I forgot about that bed!Sad to tell you.....but we have long scince parted ways with it!!!!!LOL!I do have a site your welcome to visit it!ITs not as interesting as everyone elses but hey.......I babble too much about a whole lotta nothin and im usually an extreme melancholy althought iam going to try not to be SO on this journal(i will spare the world most of my dramatics)Is that your eye???On your site??LOL!Yes i live in KAMloops still (sad to say)but we do live out in the sticks away from the stinky pulp mill and city life!Any how talk to you thingy is http://jewelsgemsandtreasures.bravejournal

10:27 p.m.  

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