Truth can be dreams

Monday, February 24, 2003

Wow I am totally frustrated.... this is the third time I have tried to blog but my explorer keeps shutting down. Just a little annoying. BILLS BILLS BILLS. Sometimes I get really sick of living in the cycle of life. You know all the day in day out stuff that we humans must do to survive. Eat, sleep, work, bla bla bla. Not that I should complain about working I only work twice a month. Actually I wouldn't mind working a little more but probably not until the summer. I still don't totally feel up to it.

Kristi ..... Give me your blogging address so I can get to know you a little. And hey about your dream.....Was the baby healthy? Just wondering.....

Yvonne... I actually tried to blog yesterday but the system was down. So I am not totally slackin....

God has been totally blessing us (Asusual). He has been so faithful with money. We will have enough to pay bills and rent and food. What more do we need? It feels so good to be able to have all the bills payed off. Of course we still have debt but we are paying that off. AHHHHH! I always forget how awesome it feels to actually do what the Lord asks. He knows what we need, what do we know? If it was totally up to me I would spend all of our money on easy bake stuff, or getting all the coolest barbies and other pointless toys. But God knows we should pay bills and eat. He is so smart. Alright I am tired...can you tell.

hayes at 10:31 p.m.


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