Truth can be dreams

Monday, March 24, 2003

how to paint
Put your ego, critic, judge in a drawer. lock it.
Go on an art store adventure. Buy smooth or nibbiy paper, whatever sings to your fingers.
Tear it into odd sized pieces.
Buy one brush, choose colours that you love in, ink, watercolour, acrylic, oil or fingerpaint.
perhaps your painting calls for photos, or tiny doors to cut, to open or bits of flowers.
Maybe it want to be a card for your dearest friend or a page in your journal.
You can express parts of yourself in painting that come from nowhere else.
There is an interior part of you that has no words and dreams in colour.
It is the part that gasps at sunset sky colours, pauses at a pine tree glistening with dew and sees the sunlight on a childs hair.
Mix colours randonly or put directly onto paper.
Experiment keep going.
Make more mistakes, laugh at what develops.
Put layers of colour on top of each other. (truth:we can all paint)
Tear the paper up if you don't like it.
The paint will lead you to new places if you can follow the splashes.
Spill paint onto paper, watch what forms next.
This is painting, YOU are a painter!
by Stark

I did not write this but it completely inspires me! i hope it inspires you too!
hayes at 5:10 p.m.


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