Truth can be dreams

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I actually looked at my ass in the mirror today naked. It was frighting. I now have the classic mommy butt. I can't even explain more than that, it's just a mommy butt! So now I am a little more focused on getting my butt (and the rest of my body) into shape. Its wierd because, I've noticed that I totally use food as a comfort. I've never really done that before. But I totally understand how eating makes some people feel good and comforted. Thats me! It's going to be hard to kick. But once I get focused (which the image I saw in the mirror has helped me do) I should be able to whip this body into shape.

icy storms have come to rest
my soul, it stands so still
what once was hot like flames of fire
no longer, has the will

thats interesting......hummmm. That just came out
hayes at 11:13 p.m.


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