Truth can be dreams: June 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

Without wheels again

So the last week has been interesting. The children's service went well, I've been working a lot, my sister Shawne and her family came to visit, and we hung out with some good people. Yesterday Silver hit his head on the railing at the book store and cut his head open. We took him to the hospital and they where able to avoid stiches and used some kind of glue instead. He handled it all very well. It was scary seeing him with blood running down his face. I hope I don't have to experience that again.

This morning Ryan went to run a few errands and on his way home the car broke down again. Yes again. We had to have it towed which cost 70 bucks we don't really have. I'm not angry or upset I just feel so numb about it. This is about the 5th time in the last few months that we have had problems with the car. About a week ago it was our battery (my father bought us a new one), then before that it was something else that Ryan's parents paid for, Oh yah our muffler fell off that was it. Now it seems that our ball joint snapped. As far as I know this is a big deal. The options we have in this situation are very difficult. We can suck it up and be a busing family all summer or ask for help again. Both will be hard and humbling. I'm so glad that neither of us work today so we at least have one day to let it sink in. I work 6 days next week so that will be a challenge with no car. Anyway, enough.

Ryan and Trinity are sleeping on the couch. They look cute. Ryan has the flu...big bummer.
hayes at 4:45 p.m.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Hey everyone. Here is a website that Ruth (friend, awesome dancer and dance teacher) just put out. She will be running dance classes this summer for kids and adults. Check it out and sign up! Really she's amazing! She came to California with me the first time I went. We used some of her chorography for the David Ruis recording.
hayes at 7:34 a.m.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

We got it fixed again!
hayes at 8:27 a.m.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Our car isn't working AGAIN!
hayes at 4:10 p.m.


Life is getting a bit complicated these days. I have tried to keep my life fairly simple and comfortable but that's just not working anymore. There are so many things I need to really think about. I need to have some strong solid answers and good reasons for them. Sometimes I forget my past experiences and the things I have learned and taught to others. There are many people in my life right now that don't really know my history, not because I have kept anything from them but because they didn't see me change and grow. So I see how sometimes people don't expect much of me or put me in a certain category that perhaps I don't belong. This usually doesn't bother me but for some reason today I am thinking about it. You can only explain so much using words it would sometimes be so much easier to just show them or for them to have just been there to see for them selves. Again I am not fully making sense.

Well for today I am off to work (store) to relax ;)
hayes at 9:56 a.m.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

what the

Sometimes things happen in life that just don't totally add up. Those moments where you just want to shake people until they come to their senses. I am feeling a bit...well actually more than a bit crazy today. People can be so self serving it's terrible.
hayes at 11:21 a.m.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

We got it fixed.
hayes at 7:45 p.m.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Our muffler just fell off our car.
hayes at 4:35 p.m.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I just had to post today. I don't really have anything I want to write about on here but today is 06/06/06 so I HAD to post just to see the date.

Things I did today
-worked (my ankle hurts)
-got shat on by a flying rodent (bird)
-worked some more
-came home and had a picnic in our awesome green backyard
-got the kids to bed and began to blog

Pretty exciting hey? Actually speaking of 'excitement' I really prefer non-exciting things. Like eating popcorn, putting on comfortable shoes, and drinking tea. I think because I am so excitable I get exhausted quickly and long for easy comfort things. Alright I think I sound crazy so I'm going to go. At least I posted something.

Oh yah and our car needs work again!!!!!!!!!!!
hayes at 8:33 p.m.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Pictures of California

I didn't get many pictures this time but here are some that I really like. It was yet again a great experience!

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Melissa, Crystal and I. This was a fun dance!

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I love these skirts!

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Jen, me and Crystal. This dance that we did together was so relaxing I loved it!

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This is our DANCE ZONE! David taped this section off for us so that no one would take our space.

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Here are two of the painting that where done during the wednesday and thursday nights. I wish I would have taken some close ups.

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hayes at 7:58 a.m.