Truth can be dreams

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

My sister is pregnant! YIPPIE! I realise that none of you understand how awesome this is, but it is awesome. She happens to have an inoperable brain tumour. Crazy but true. She takes some major meds for it and has had to stop taking the meds because of the pregnancy. PLEASE pray for her that the tumour will not increase but descrease. Its going to be a somewhat scarey 9 months but it is also very cool. She only had a small chance of even getting pregnant so that in itself is very much a miracle. Even now (if you would) say a prayer for her and the baby that all will be well. Thanks a bunch.

For some reason I feel like talking about what I have been eating the past week. Lets just say CRAP. Cheap frozen burgers, kraft dinner (which I normally won't touch), eggs (cheap and always available), and water. Yummie eh. Ive been a bit lazy when it comes to cooking. But I feel like crap so I guess I will get back into the grove of cooking.

hayes at 9:48 p.m.


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