Truth can be dreams

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

O.K so what where we thinking when we desided to have kids so close together in age? Hummmmmmmmm... OH YA we weren't! In so many ways I am happy that we are having our kids now and getting it all over with (the pregnancy thing and all), but also it is really beginning to hit us smack in the face how challenging it's going to be. Ryan has just finnished putting his school schedule together and it freaks me out a bit! He will be gone so much at school and then also work AND not to mention the time spent doing homework. WOW we both have a really big job ahead of us. I worry a little for our future. In a good way. We both understand that our marriage requires work (as does every marriage), and to raise our children will take alot of energy. I have no idea how people manage to keep "it" altogether without a personal relationship with Jesus???? I would never be able to do it without him. Our baby will only be a few weeks old when Ryan heads back to school. Holy crap! So I will have Silver (how will still be well under 2) and a new born baby! Plus I will just be recovering from the whole birthing thing. Yvonne I totally understand when you talked about how you have to start working so soon after the baby is born. It's scarey isn't it?

To say the least I have been a little stressed latley. We still don't know exactly what is wrong with my mothers heart. My sister told me that it is often much more difficult to diagnose heart desease in women. Also with all of her other health issues it's quite a task for them to find out the exact problem. I know that God is totally in control and I rest in that (when I'm not stressing).

hayes at 2:37 p.m.


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