Truth can be dreams

Thursday, July 03, 2003

AHHHHHHHH my head is so clear right now, well maybe not exactlly CLEAR but I do feel somewhat refreshed. Ryan has been home this afternoon and we just all woke up from a nap. So I said that I would write a list of all the good and yummie things in my life that bless me. So here goes

My in-laws (they are nothing but a blessing),
watching Silver grow and learn (today I found out that he knows what eyes are and he can point them out),
friends (the few that I have are awesome),
TOYS! I just love them,
Jesus (of course, what a guy),
that we are able to have children, (I just can't wait to met this one),
milk (Ryan and I drink a 4 liter jug in two days no problem),
Thunder storms (one of the most beautiful things on earth to watch),
That seem to be all I have time for I gotta run... see ya

hayes at 3:38 p.m.


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