Truth can be dreams

Sunday, July 13, 2003

I am sooooo done work! YIPPIE! AHHHHHHHHHHH...... I can't explain how good it feels to not have to think about working for a very long time. I actually LOVE working and my job rocks, but my mind is just totally on other things right now. I am trying to organize our small living space. We really need to organize.I have already gone through all the baby boxes we have and that feels great to be done. So for the next two weeks or so it will be all about cleaning and organizing.

On a totally different note....Rachel I was very much moved by your blog about the lady you work with and how you and Jesus have effected her life. I really love the way Rachel expresses herself with her blog. I always feel lifted, in a way, after reading what she has written on any given day. It's awesome that even on her worst days she always seems to bring it down to it all being about Jesus and how much she just wants to do his will. Its inspiring. Rachel your great. You express your deepest feelings and struggles without being vulgur, or it being a cry for help. I hope that all made sence.

I gotta lay my head down for a while...yawn............

hayes at 1:36 p.m.


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