Truth can be dreams

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Here is part of my philosophy of life.

There will always be someone prettier, richer, more talented, braver, stronger, more flexible (grrrrrr), more successful, more outgoing, funnier, bla bla bla........ So seek God and he will be your comfort and guide. You don't have to be the BEST at anything so don't feel down when someone else goes above and beyond you. Also be released to enjoy your moments of being the BEST. There will be times when you will go far beyond others, DON'T feel bad about that either. People assume that those who are successful at something are perfectly happy or fulfilled. That's just not always true. We all have our journey on this planet and it's entirely different than anyone else's. So chill out, seek God, and take risks.

This post was inspired by Yvonne's blog.
hayes at 8:47 a.m.


Blogger Stephanie said...


2:24 p.m.  
Blogger Christina said...

Alexandra I love your take on life, its great! We end up running ourselves dry when we try to always be the best all the time, its just not possible. Plus, the person we are trying to mirror our lives after was the greatest SERVANT of all. Its so opposite from how the world thinks.

3:23 p.m.  

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