Truth can be dreams: Write it down

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Write it down

I have no idea what to write about today. I am in this freakin crazy mood. I am somewhat pissed at the world, I think I'm just tired and sick of being so. I guess the holidays can take a lot out of a person without them even noticing.

I wonder if I should actually post this.

I just wrote two paragraphs and deleted it. I like to make lists. It helps me relax. Here is a list

-become a master sculptor
-help people to connect with the creator
-care more 'actively' about humans
-be a good friend
-appreciate my husband more
-see the beauty that surrounds me
-eat more vegetables
-buy boots
-pay bills
-see doctor
-see dentist
-journal/write poetry again

Feel free to share your lists. I would love to see what other people are dreaming about and working towards.
hayes at 9:10 p.m.


Blogger Christina said...

I love you Alexandra! Your so real. I am definately a list maker too, but I honestly have not had time to collect my thoughts since the new year, which has been bugging me! I liked your last post becuase I look around and see the need to simplify my life. There is too much STUFF. If I'm not using it or wearing it its just taking up space and collecting dust.

Sorry I didn't get around to writing down my dreams, but getting rid of all the unessentials is definately a goal for 2006.

12:25 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Yea, you are REAL and it's awesome!
My list:
-to rest
-to have revelation of true beauty and see it in all that surrounds me
-to know my identity in Christ and His affections for me
-to let that move me to love people with the love of Christ in fullness
-to be a better painter, dancer..expresser....
-to not let money control decisions, dreams, me.
-to be patient and kind and generous
-to travel
-to overcome my fears by the grace and power of God. (cause I can't seem to do it on my own)
-the list is never ending so this is where I'll stop.

12:19 p.m.  

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