Truth can be dreams: What's new?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

What's new?

I Love God. He is so amazing. As I look back on my 10 years of loving him I am in awe. I can't believe how much I am changed. In some ways it was an over night change. I m not going to tell that story right now but it was amazing (I mean the night I finally allowed God to have me).

Here are some of the cornerstone lessons God has taught me over the years.

- He loves me like crazy and shows it everyday. I don't have to work for it.
- Praying for wisdom and renewing my mind are VERY important.
- God cares about people more than anything and he wants me to do the same.
- BALANCE everything in life, don't get too crazy about anything. DO NOT BE ANXIOUS, but in everything through prayer and thanksgiving present your requests to God.
- For everything there is a season
- Do not always surround your self with like minded people, take risks and get to know those who think differently, you will be challenged and grow.
- peanut butter tastes good on hot toast
- Don't try to live on the mountain top (I mean on a spiritual high). Have a good time when your there but in the desert is where you become strong.
- bless your leaders,don't trash them, make fun of them, etc. This is dangerous.

I have been thinking on a lot of things. One of those things is all the little sayings and lingo we Christians use and pass off as truth. That makes me So freakin crazy. This one time I was in a church and an elder got up and said "If you serve the Lord you'll have no problems, your life will be great and you will be happy all the time"! Holy CRAP it took everything in me not to stand up and say that's a lie! (just to be clear I am not talking about WCV). There are more things but it is late and I have worked like a dog all week and have to teach dance tomorrow. Gotta sleep.

I just found this quote on a friends blog and I love it!

we don't need another bible study,
another book group,
another time of prayer,
another trip to the mall (don't get me wrong these are all good things.)

but we do need relationship. it has to be concious. it has to be intentional...
hayes at 12:21 a.m.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Those are awesome thoughts and lessons learned, Alexandra. I love (and sometimes hate) when he teaches me these truths..but in the end, it's always for my good.
Bless you!
(ps. how are you doing? I haven't seen you in forever!)

9:35 a.m.  
Blogger Christina said...

You have definately learned all those lessons because I have seen you live them out. You have lots of wisdom, its wonderful to see and benefit from!

9:57 p.m.  

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