Truth can be dreams: Dream land

Monday, June 07, 2004

Dream land

I had an extremely intense dream last night.

There was this huge guy who was killing people. I saw the dead bodies and helped save a girl from this house where he was killing people.

He ended up coming to our house to poison us all. I thnk he was mad because we saved the girl. He really wanted to kill her. So he had drinks for us all and he had a bottle for Trinity. He sat down with her and started to feed her.

There was NO WAY I was going to let her die like this so I just slapped the bottle away. It was actually quite easy once I decided to do it. Then I took a little sharp knife and stabbed him. Which was also quite easy, considering that he was a big strong scary guy (but very clean cut).

He wouldn't die , but he wasn't exactly fighting back either. So I just kept stabbing him and slicing him. I was trying to hit certain his heart and lungs. He died.

He had a son who was also there but I said I didn't want to kill him because he wasn't the one who tried to kill us. I let him go.

He came back to kill us. And I did the same thing to him except he was way harder to kill. He saw me pick up the knife and hide it but he said nothing. It was as if he couldn't actually do anything about it. I stabbed him over and over and chopped him up until he was like ground beef.

It was as if all there power was in fear. They could have overtaken us if we let them. But once you decide to stay strong and not give in to the fear killing the enemy is actually quite easy. Because they have no power over you.

Any thoughts? If anyone actually read this whole thing.....

hayes at 7:11 a.m.


Blogger She Says Electric said...

That dream was so incredible.
I agree with you that the power that they had over everyone was fear. Fear can disable; it's not rational. I have experienced that kind of fear in my life... I hated every second of it!
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and might and a sound mind."
What one person is afraid of, another may not be and can just come in and crush with hardly a thought.
I hate fear. I want to live without fear!

12:31 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! I don't think I have ever had a dream that vivid.
I also hate fear too. Yet their are other thinking with fear that you become comfortable with and then fear losing that fear. OK did any of that make sense LOL

By Miranda

3:42 p.m.  
Blogger Lynne said...

What an incredible dream. Very brutal, very destructive. But that's what we're up against in the spiritual world. We wouldn't be able to get away with it the natural. It's good to think of fear as a big burly scary man and fight him with all we've got. What we've got is Jesus. He is the "Neo" of the spiritual world. How much better it would be for all of us if we didn't fear fear.

5:03 p.m.  

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