Truth can be dreams: January 2005

Monday, January 31, 2005

Having a wonderful life

Life has been pretty sweet this past week. Ever since my leg stopped hurting I have seriously felt a hundred times better.

So Ryan goes to school and works a lot. I love having him home as much as possible (and have been known to try and pressure him to skip a few classes). It's great when we are both at home. I can tell that the kid really enjoy it too. But you know what drives me crazy about having him home....? My schedule gets totally messed up.

When it's just me and the kids home, I manage to get tons of laundry done, all the dishes, vacuum, clean up toys, books, clothes, have supper started by 4:00 and ready by 5:30 - 6:00. You would think that having two parents home would make things easier and get more done. In my house this is not so.

I have been trying to figure out why this is. When Ryan is home we go on outings more often. Like to the library or for coffee, something like that. We work on projects in the house that I would never do on my own (because there is no extra time for on a normal day), like organizing all our clothes or books or pictures. We spend time talking (or fighting :).

Does anyone else find this to be true for you? I am writing up a weekly schedule today for both us and the kids. I hope this will help us to get more done and also have more free time for our own projects. We'll see.

hayes at 11:11 a.m.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

a new leg

On Sunday a few of us danced during worship at church. I felt God impressing me to pray for healing for myself and a few others.

At one point the girls (awesome chics) prayed for me while we were dancing. it was really great. I left the service early (to be with Silver as he was sick again), while I was driving home I realized that my leg, which has been incredibly (and mysteriously) sore for months, didn't hurt! It was really freaky. I was in shock. It's a crazy thing to have a pain for so long and then it's just GONE! WOW! Thank you Jesus.

I have been in a much better mood this whole week. Because I don't have to spend time and energy dealing with my pain life is just better. I have had much more fun with my kids, made some awesome dinners, painted a few pictures, and made a pie. I almost feel like my old self, which really I haven't been since just before I got pregnant with Trinity.

The moral of the story is Jesus ROCKS!

hayes at 10:01 p.m.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

madness and beauty

I just finnished watching a program about the school in Russia that was taken over by CRAZY people.

Right now I am feeling very empty. Life is such a friggin crazy thing.

Here I am in beautiful Canada, fairly safe and sound. All cosy in my nice little house surrounded by people I love and love me. When there are places in this world that are covered with the blood of children.

If I truly did not believe in the God of the bible I don't know what I would do. I mean I have moments where I think life is so meaningless and void of any use. The only thing that snaps me out of that is Jesus. The hope that Jesus gives, heaven, life beyond this one. Also the fact that this life CAN be FULL of meaning and purpose.

My trust and faith in Jesus is being sharpened latley.

Funny how pain can make you feel so alive.

I have been buying fresh flowers regularly the past few months. I am making it a habit when I buy groceries to pick some up. God made some really beautiful amazing things. Last week I had yellow daisies (at least I think they were dasies), and this week it's orange tulips. The detail God put into something that lives and grows and dies fairly quickly is absoultly incredible.

Want some inspiration? Want to see and feel a piece of God? Take any flower and just study it for 2 minutes. Beautiful.

God truly is a mystery, and I love him.

hayes at 10:08 p.m.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Dinner is served.

I was watching a talk show the other day and the guest was asked an interesting question. If you could invite any 3 people in the history of the world to a dinner party who would it be?

Here are my three. Jesus, Satan and Johnny Cash.

Who would you invite?

hayes at 7:14 p.m.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I am pretty tired right now. I know my last post was rather melodramatic.
I am just tired.
Tired of being sick.
Tired of my kids being sick.
If one of us starts puking again I might loose my mind.

I feel so close to finding out what's making me sick and it's hard to think of anything else. The relief of knowing will be awesome.

Like I said I'm tired. Good night.

hayes at 11:07 p.m.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

hayes at 1:05 p.m.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The good, the bed, and the sickly.

The Good....... We are scheduled for a trip to Bermuda in May.

The bed...... we finally bought a bed and are no longer sleeping on the floor!

The sickly..... Ryan has been puking and I have been sicker than usual. That test really put me out for a few days.

hayes at 6:19 p.m.

Monday, January 10, 2005

It's all pretty fuzzy

So I had my test today. I was so anxious I just wanted it over with.

So the day surgery unit of the hospital was interesting. It felt a little like cattle being shuffled around. There was one big room where everyone who was being preped for a procedure or had already had their procedure waited. All in beds lined up along the walls, and at one point even in the middle of the room.

There was this one AWESOME older man who was being shuffled around a bit who had such a great attitude. He was so thankful to be there and just full of joy. I wanted to talk to him just to see if I could catch some of that JOY from him.

I wasn't exactly in a bad mood or cranky. I was also glad to be there. I was just anxious, wanting to finally know what's up with me.

When they finally wheeled me into the room where I was having the procedure done I met the doctor. He was really nice and actually seemed to care what I was saying. He asked me a few questions and we talked about how I have been feeling, then he said "your going to get really sleepy now." The last thing I remember is him asking me to roll over on my side.....

I'm pretty sure I puked. I vaguely remember a nurse bringing a bed pan to me. That whole part is really fuzzy. Then the nurse came in and said your family's here! Ryan and the kids walked in, I think I went to the bathroom...... The doctor came and talked to us while Ryan was there because I was so out if it I wouldn't have remembered a thing.

Ryan tells me the Doc said he found a blockage. So I will be having many more tests. Including a CT scan! This is the one I have wanted and prayed for. I feel all the mystery will be solved after that test.

I feel like crap right now. I slept on the bathroom floor since I got home. Trinity actually fell asleep with me. Then when Silver was going to bed he wanted me to lay down with him until he fell asleep too! I had no problems with that since I am crazy tired.

I hope this all made sense. I don't think I am quite in my right mind yet.

hayes at 9:14 p.m.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

not again

So I am gearing up for another test. I am on only clear fluids, jello, and popsicles. This is pretty crappy. Except this is the 3 time I have had to this to prepare for a test so I am getting use to it. Also I'll do anything to find out what's going on in this body of mine.

I seem to have lost a few more pounds. I actually can't believe I lost weight over the holidays. It's a bit scary, but I plan on finding out my problem and getting the help I need to get better.

I had a really great talk with a friend in TB when I was there. She almost died a few years ago when she was being diagnosed with major bowel problems. She has it pretty under control now but she is on a very strict diet. I would have no problem doing that if it helped.

I just saw an old friend of mine on a t.v show. I've seen him in videos and other shows before but it's been awhile since I'd seen him. I wish I knew his phone number it would be great to talk with him again.

Well by for now.

hayes at 3:58 p.m.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

In need


We really need a dresser. Does anyone out there have one they don't use? We actually don't have one dresser in this house. We will take anything! Thanks.

hayes at 11:59 a.m.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Hello SNOW!

We got back this morning from our trip and we were greeted by about 3 feet of snow!

Ryan almost fainted after shoveling the walkway. He didn't have time to shovel a spot for our car yet. What a storm it must have been. I wish I would have been here to see it. I love to see heaps and heaps of snow falling.

As always I seem to have caught some kind of cold. Seriously I just got over one that dragged on and on.

Silver just came over and is now watching me type. Actually he is cheering me on to type faster and faster. SO I am just rambling now typing about nothing so he can see ...........oh he's off to something else now.

So where was I? No matter. Thanks for all the nice compliments on my last post with the pictures. My family IS awesome!

I have a ton of laundry to take care of have a great week everyone!

hayes at 1:52 p.m.