Truth can be dreams: Questions

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Her are a few questions about dance that I would love feed back on. Don't be afraid to answer anyway you want. If you totally don't like for 'get' dance in worship then just say that. I just want honest answers. I will post my thoughts on these questions in a few days.

Feel free to answer one or more of the questions. Thanks!

1. Have you ever been moved (in a good way) by a dance done in church?

2. Have you been encouraged to worship by seeing dancers worship?

3. Do you think dancers have a place on the stage in a worship service?

4. When dancers worship on the stage during corporate worship do you find it distracting in a negative way? If so why?

5. Would you like to see more dance (as a form of worship) done in your church?

6. Would you like to see less dance done?

7. Do you feel you would benefit from a biblically based teaching on dance and extravagant worship?

8. In the past have you gotten more out of a choreographed dance or free/spontaneous dance?
hayes at 12:16 p.m.


Blogger Jason Your Car Guy said...

Great questions. I just want people to be free in church, whatever draws them closer to God. Do whatever God is leading you to do. We are not there to please each other, just HIM!

1:47 p.m.  
Blogger Catherine West said...

Wow. I think if anyone were to dance in the church we are presently attending, most of the congregation would drop like flies from having heart attacks.
I can't really say that I've ever attended a church where dance was a regular part of the worship. I don't see why it shouldn't be though, since it is a gift just like singing and painting and acting, and we should
use all of our talents to glorify God. I would imagine the problem that people have with dance, if they have one, is that it is a physical thing, and that watching a dancer might lead to thoughts of a sexual nature...and we are not supposed to lead anyone into temptation...therefore that is probably why it is not practiced in a lot of churches? I don't know, I'm just guessing. I do remember though once years ago, two young girls did a dance in our church at that time, and I was quite uncomfortable with it, but I think that's probably because I don't know how much thought had gone into what they where doing, I just remember thinking that some of the moves they were doing did not seem appropriate.
Just as long as nobody wants to pull a David on me, I'm fine with dancing... :)

2:02 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a definite answer to those questions.

For me, whether I've been moved or not, whether I've been draw in or turned off, distracted or inspired...all depend on the dancers.

It is the same for the worship team as for the dancers. If someone is trying to "be seen" then its distracting. If their heart is focused on Jesus, then it can draw me into worship.

As in the worship team, if the focus is "how does this sound", it doesn't lead into worship very easily, its about music not Jesus.

So with dance, if its about "how does this look" rather than about the dancer's expression of love for Jesus, it isn't drawing into worship.

So, for myself. I think dance is an awesome powerful expression of worship, and its the heart of the worshipper that is the measure of its effect on me, as part of the congregation.

There have been many times in our church when dance has touch my heart during the worship. There have been times when there has been annointing which is beautiful, and leaves me in tears.

There have a few (not many) times when a dance was done and I thought, "Huh? What was that about?" I wasn't upset, just confused.
If its just dance for the sake of doing of a dance or looking pretty, then I can appreciate it but I'm not sure its worship.

Is this too brutally honest?
My opinions often are!!!


3:57 p.m.  
Blogger Clarkie said...

hey wicked questions!! I hope that people answer them honestly.
I'm not going to answer any of the questions cause I am pretty sure you know what I think....especailly coming from someone who does martial arts...maybe I should ask how people feel about THAT in the church.
K...keep pumping out the thought provoking rock.

6:10 p.m.  
Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

1. yes
2. yes!
3. yes
4. I love them up there.

on a personal note, as a Non-Dancer (or closet wannabe) I find that there are moments during worship where I feel this 'stuck' feeling. I look around for a dancer. I don't have the skill to do it, but when a dancer begins to respond to the spirit moving her, I FEEL RELEASED in my spirit. It's like this "PHEW" feeling. Like a sigh of relief. As if I've just jumped up and began dancing myself.

5. yes
6. NO
7. I think the church would benefit! I'm there, baby! I'm right there!
8. 80% of the time I'll respond MORE to spontanious dance. Sometimes the movements, (or songs) that are less thought out, and more dependant on listening to the Spirit are more powerful. Something about genuine "here and now" response really moves me.

11:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. yes
2. yes
3. not really no why do they need to be on a stage?why the separation...why not just down in the congregation like everybody else?
4. yes...because then you just end up watching the dancers and not really focusing on God and worshipping your self and even if I did want to get up and dance then Im intimidated because the "dancers" are on the stage and I would feel like this comparison thing happening I dont know how to explain it.... it just makes it awkward...where as if the dancers were just all down dancin in with the congregation Iam more inspired to kick it up and join them....then it blends in better and I feel more comfortable too.there is no comparing...When they are on the stage doing a choreographed dances too it often just feels like a smoke and light show.....for the dancers.If it was for a special occasion or for a purpose then ya sure..obviously but for every
5.yes but my church would most definately!!!!!!almost never from choreographed.

11:27 p.m.  
Blogger Joel said...

1. Definitely.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. I don't at this time, but when I first started going to the church, I personally found it quite distracting being a new attendee.
5. For sure!
6. If it is in your heart to just behold and be still, sure.
7. Yes.
8. Definitely the free spontaneous dance

12:03 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops that was me up there (anon post) and I should clarify that the reason I said what I said on #7 is because I have been exposed to it alot in my church experiences and I have studied it myself at lenght.The reason for saying my church would is because it is not super common or done very often.So it would be good.Also I should add that for me Im opening to hearing new teachings, perspectives and opinions on it but it would depend entirely on WHO is teaching it and how biblical the teaching really was.To me though its not SUCH a big deal....If I feel like dancing I dance.I dont really get the whole.."You have to be released into dance...." kinda thing.If you want to dance just do it!Like outside the church it isnt such an issue.You go to a dance and people are just goin for it.So why is it inside the church in the house of God its such a huge issue and people get so frozen in fear about dancing with and or for, their King?I guess what I was also trying to say is I dont like the separation of "those are the DANCERS" over there....because I think it does cause people to draw back a bit from wanting to dance unless they are part of the dance team.I also think that dance is an individual expression and ALL dance done before the Lord is beautiful and you dont NEED to take classes or be waif thin or be a ballerina or super funky jazz dancer to be able to dance before the Lord,cause HE looks upon our hearts anyhow.So I guess I dont understand the teaching that there needs to be EXCELLENCE and GREATNESS ect... I think there needs to be purity of heart and honesty and integrity and freedom to be yourself and express the way YOU feel to express.

11:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that was me Adi.....sorry!Sorry I took up so much space and babbled all my opinions like that.GREAT questions and post though!Thanks!Oh and to Carlie....your particular style of expression is one of the ones I was most moved by and LOVED!SO from this Christian....I LOVE IT!I love it in the church!ANyhow Alexandra please give me feedback and feel free to question me or my thoughts on the things I have said and shared.Im open..and I think its great that you are too to having open discussion on this subject!Bless you.....ADI

11:30 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

about this stage thing. That confuses me. Why NOT on the stage?? Why is the worship leader on the stage? If you are on the stage, it should be to model something. As you model worship, you can inspire others to worship.

I think this speaks more about the problem of "spectator christianity" than it does of "why dancers are on stage". The problem lies with us in the congregation. I'm tired of hearing "I'm distracted by that" or "I can't worship when that is happening"

REally folks...get over it. The problem isnt' that the dancer is a distraction...the problem is that you are distracted. And of should be out in the congregation. If it's not....then there's no reason to have it on stage. Modeling something infers that it's being "walked -out" too. So on stage, or on the floor....whatever.

I've also heard people call children a distraction. HOw sick is that? Their 'play' during worship is just as valid. It's about enjoying God. They don't do it by standing still and being serious....they do it by celebration and movement.

So when does celebration and movement stop? Why...when we become mature. Mature Christians...Still and silent. There is a reason that Jesus called us to be like children...and it just doesn't mean our faith. It means our freedom too.
Our pride and fear of man squashes the freedom out of us.

So back to dancing and distraction. In short? Get over it. It speaks more of immaturiy in the adult who is so 'distracted'. There's a simple solution. Put your eyes on Christ. Focus on him. And be grateful for the wonder of eyelids. did you know that they close?? Magical.

(and yes, I'm anonymous so that I can be honest without anyone yelling at me!)

5:09 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said... the anon poster...I would not have yelled at you and I cant imagine anyone else around here yelling at you either.To me your posting anonymously shows that you are cowardly and ther one that is immature.I thought this was a place where we could each share OUR own experiences and feelings and thoughts on dance as Alexandra asked us to.I took a risk and braved being honest on here and left my name and now Im being told basically that what I feel and see is invalid and I should GET OVER IT as you said.Well that is sad to me and disappointing.To bad we just couldnt DISCUSS it.Im open to changing how I feel, think ,and view things but not by somebody as close minded as you obviously are!Also to make such strong statements about what you think people who admitted that they found it distracting tells me that you are also very judgemental.You have no idea why people feel the way they feel or what is going on for them so how can you generalize like that?Sounds to me like your the one who has some pride and fear(thus your reasons to post anon.)Anyhow Ill really examine my heart and the things you said and see if the Lord would have me do as you suggested and GET OVER IT.....but somehow I think God is alot more understanding and gracious than you just were.Thanks for sharing though!Adi

5:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way I do have more thoughts on why NOT on the stage and other things but I think Ill keep them to myself and maybe one day discuss them with Alexandra if I ever see her again and if she wants me I no longer feel safe to share openly here!I dont take well to being talked down.Oh and too just so you know MY eyes ARE on Christ and its a good thing too cause if I had to only look at Christians like you who were so judgemental....Id sure be in trouble!Adi

5:42 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was supposed to say "I dont take well to being talked down TO."
Im outta here....Thanks Alexandra....looking forward to talking with YOU again sometime....Adi

5:43 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


FYI...I didn't READ your post. So I wasn't talking to you. I hadn't read any of the comments. I was simply talking to Alexandra.

Thanks for slamming MY opinion. I too thought this was a place where we could share our feelings. That's why I posted Anonymously. But hey...I still got called names like:

close minded

Sorry if you took my enthusiastic post as personal. It wasn't written to you. But this one is.

I'm saddened by the way you chose to attack me personally. I was just talking generally...and again...hadn't even read your comment (and still haven't, and now won't)

I"m glad I didn't put my name, or told anything about my family. Heaven forbid you attack my children in such a way.

Alexandra...this is a friend of YOURS??

7:14 p.m.  
Blogger hayes said...

I feel crappy that it's getting personal in here. I am using this to learn, to get insight and to help me grow as a dancer and worshiper. So if anyone is getting offended or hurt that makes me sad. But I won't stop asking the questions or talking about what I think and feel and I hope none of you do either. Thanks so much guys for all of your honesty.

7:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anon....I do think it is cowardly to post anonymous.Just my opinion, but I should have kept it to myself.For saying that, I do was not necessary or nice.Forgive me.I did however...take some of your comments personally.I felt that you were implying that people who have issues with stage dancing are immature and basically stupid and their thoughts and opinions basically were not valid.I quote....."The problem lies with us in the congregation. I'm tired of hearing "I'm distracted by that" or "I can't worship when that is happening"
REally folks...get over it. The problem isnt' that the dancer is a distraction...the problem is that you are distracted.ALSO...
"And be grateful for the wonder of eyelids. did you know that they close?? Magical."
I don't personally have alot of tolerance for being treated like Im stupid and I dont have alot of tolerance for close minded Christians who ARE judgemental and not open to hearing a different opinion.Thats the place I was coming from.I was speaking for myself but also for others especially new people who come to the church for the first time (like a friend of mine just did and she witnessed a lady dancing in our congregation and she was very shocked and did not know what to think of it!)and they are not sure!Sorry you feel I attacked you...when in fact I felt attacked BY you.Although you say you never read my hit on some things I was exactly talking about and was making myself VERY vulnerable in doing so.I do find your comment about "Heaven forbid you should attack my children in such a way!" absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for.Iam a mother myself of 4 children and I LOVE children all of them!Iam deeply offended that you would insinuate that I would ever harm a child in any manner.As if.I mean come on!Grow up.We see things a little differently here thats all.A misunderstanding....poor communication...its not always easy to communicate on these things especially with strangers!That was taking this a bit too far!You feel your post was enthusiastic....I felt parts of it came across judgemental,rude and condescending and not just for myself but for others who MAY feel or question some of the same things I do.Maybe I reacted to strongly to your post and totally over reacted and blew it all out of proportion and there was no truth in anything I said.If that is the case then please forgive me. I did find parts of it left me feeling like not very nice and just wanted to let you know.It's too bad we couldn't have discussed this in a more civil manner.For that I apologize too.But hey....I don't know don't know me..we don't know each others hearts... and so seeings how this IS Alexandra's blog...we better be moving on to other things.By the way the very last comment you made I did think was rude too..."Alexandra is this a friend of YOURS???" (Like how could she possibly have such a loser for a friend or something.....just because you and I misunderstand each other and you dont like what Ive said)ANYHOW....Ive said all that Iam going to say on this matter.Sorry to Alexandra that this got a little spicy in here!I hope you do keep asking questions and this is a great blog and place to learn....and this is a great topic to learn about.To anon....iron sharpens iron...maybe we can both look at this and learn something from this experience here today!Felt like we gave each other a few good jabs with our iron though and I know for me that it is NEVER my intention or heart to hurt someone,it is my intention to try to be honest say what I think and when Im offended to speak up and say something.Sounds like you are the same.Perhaps we could look at this as an opportunity to learn about more than just dance? I know I will.Ok on that note...have a good night!Adi

9:46 p.m.  
Blogger Sonya said...

Wow...Alexandra, these are great questions..hope I'm not posting too late for you to notice. Newly being part of the dance team, I think I still feel very much part of the congregation's viewpoint as well as the "dancer's" view. I have definitely been moved by dance in the church and sometimes completely unmoved. That has depended both on the spirit of the dance and on my own spirit at the time. I have been encouraged to worship whenever dancers ("official" or not) have done so in contagious freedom and often in choreographed dances where the powerful song becomes that much more powerful to me. Dancers on the stage can be great, be it children or whoever is feeling led, or members from the team. I still struggle and I think others may, too with having the dance team doing spontaneous worship as I don't want to marginalize those that have been free to go up there. There may be misunderstanding of our role (even for me). Sometimes I look to dancers to get inspiration to worship. Sometimes I feel distracted. I could see people who are not used to the concept or comfortable with the idea of worshippping with the whole body having a difficult time finding it helpful. I'm sure there are people who find singing a difficult way of worshipping too.

12:54 p.m.  
Blogger Sonya said...

I'm very happy that dance is finding a larger place in the church. It's definitely part of my make-up. Ironically, when the team started up, I felt there was no way I could ever join because I felt at a different level and did not feel freedom to dance on stage. I still prefer dancing in a back corner more, and yet there's not room for that on sunday mornings. But the one time I did dance at the front, I felt God moving me to intercede and to join him (by dancing) in what he was doing and that was great. I really felt I was part of leading...but not necessarily in all of the dance I did. Sometimes I just felt like I was up there too much for show. But I feel the same way when I'm singing at the front. There's always this dilemma and this tug-of-war inside. I would definitely benefit from some teaching and more doing. I have gotten more out of doing spontaneous dance and watching choreographed dance generally, although sometimes I have been blessed and inspired with free dance, too. I hope you're still planning to do those dances that God has put on your heart because they're very powerful, especially when you combine so many art forms. I love it! I don't know how much you need to choreograph regular worship songs though...Just a thought. Love what you're doing!

1:06 p.m.  

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