Truth can be dreams: April 2005

Saturday, April 30, 2005

It's been a very loooong week. I have worked 4 days this week which is a heck of a lot more than usual for me. The past two days have been tiring and somewhat stressful. I have tonight to cool down a little, but just a little. Tomorrow we are presenting a visual of the scripture that Rob Massey preached on last week. We have only had one practice but I feel the Lord is totally blessing it and will use it to teach and inspire people.

I feel so blessed by our church. It can be a very scary thing working out my gifting in front of the church. I am glad to have the leadership as a soft place to land. What a great bunch of people.

Oh I just remembered. I have been asked, by a friend of mine Sheri McConnel to be in charge of the dance at the Street Invaders bootcamp in Thunder Bay! This is so awesome for me. I have wanted to something like this for years. I can not wait. I will be leaving July 1st and be gone a whole week. I do need to take both my kids with me. They will have tons of fun with their cousins.

Alright I need to cut this off and go bake some cookies.

hayes at 2:26 p.m.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Bla bla bla.

Bla blablabla. Bla bla bla blabla bla blabla bla b la blablablablabla! Blabla bla "Bla blabla"? Bla b la la la la la, blabla bla b la b la. Blalablablablabla BLA b labla bla b la.

Blabla b lablabla bla b la bla. Bla blab la la bla bla blablablabla BLA BLA BLA!!!!!!

hayes at 11:07 p.m.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Saw my doctor again yesterday. I am trying to get an appointment with the gyno sooner than two months from now. You see the gyno doesn't know about my CT scan and what they found so they gave me an appointment in June. I talked to my doc about it and he is trying to get me earlier. Also he is working on getting me an ultra sound in Winkler as that would be quicker than here. I had an x-ray yesterday and get the results of that next week. I am trying so hard to stay positive in this mess. I WILL NOT be someone who just falls through the cracks of the system, although I feel that I am a little. Well I pray, I press on.
hayes at 1:07 p.m.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

ever wonder

have you ever wondered what it would be like to step outside your body and really see yourself as others see you? I would love that. Because I know in my own life it can be so hard to really get out what you are thinking, so hard to express with words what is going on in my head. So to really see how others see you would be so interesting. That way you would really know if you are representing yourself properly or not. It could be really helpful. I guess thats why people have family and good friends who will tell you how they really feel.

Thats my thought for today.
hayes at 9:56 a.m.

Monday, April 18, 2005

do you know me?

How do you know what someone is thinking unless you ask?
Why guess what someone thinks about that, just talk to them?
Do you know me?
Do you know what I think about this or that?
Have you talked to me?
There is so much misunderstanding in the world.
I have been misunderstood so many times in my life. I remember a few times when I was totally misunderstood and I could do NOTHING to stop it, I was crushed. But I soon realized that all I could do was pray and live through it. The truth about a person usually comes out in the end. Sometimes it's too late to save a friendship (or a possible one) but it comes, the truth comes.......I pray.
hayes at 11:31 a.m.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I have just finished watching the short film by Derek and joy about their son River. It is really awesome. I totally recommend that you watch it. Thank you Derek and Joy for allowing people into your life in this way. Bless you.
This is the link to the film.
hayes at 10:22 p.m.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Another one down

I had another test today. They put me out again but it wasn't half as bad as the last time. I felt pretty good by the time I got home. We had Christina come over and watch the kids while Ryan picked me up. It was awesome to have someone I totally trust watch the kids. Thanks again Christina!

I still don't have a date for the ultra sound or gyno appointment. I hope those will happen soon. So the journey continues.
hayes at 10:15 p.m.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Happy Birthday

My AWESOME husband is now 24! Actually his birthday was yesterday but I just didn't have the time to post. For the next month he and I are only 5 years apart, then I turn 30 and it's back to 6 years! HAHAHAHA.

We celebrated with a chocolate cake that was soooooo chocolatey I could only handle one piece. The kids and I made him some book marks and put them in the books we got him (Ryan LOVES books). It was a pretty good day except that Ryan had an exam.

Happy Birthday Ryan!
hayes at 7:43 a.m.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Mr. Norman

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Do you know who Larry Norman is? Well if not he is this super cool totally 'old school' Christian rocker. He started waaaaaay back and was one of the first Christian rockers. Well anyway my mother has somehow gotten to know him. Don't even ask me HOW. She is one of a group of intercessors for Larry. For his birthday they all wanted to send him something. Long story short over the last week I have been working on this sculpture to send to him.

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It is Larry kneeling with different colored hands on his back representing all of his interceccors praying for him. Although this is not my best work it is a major mildstone for me in my mini-sculpting. This is the first one I have done of someone I don't know, which has been fairly challenging. I talk to God and try to discern what the piece should look like and it just helps so much if I know the person. This one I have made on faith, sort of.

I'm excited to send it out and see what he thinks. I pray that he is blessed. I know I have been to just make it for him.
This is the picture I worked off of.
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hayes at 2:53 p.m.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Here it comes

WOW how great does it feel to have nice weather?!!!! This is amazing. My kids are loving it too. We have been to the Zoo and the park this week and it feels wonderful.

I have also been really enjoying spring cleaning. This afternoon we put all our winter coats, hats, mittens and scarfs in a big box and put it down stairs. From now on its all about light coats and sweaters.

I think the people in Winnipeg are amazing. I mean we live through that looooooong often terrible winter and emurge in the spring ready for anything. Seriously I feel like I just won the war or something.

I started writting this post about 24 hours ago. I think I should just post it and move on.
hayes at 5:28 p.m.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

A murderer sat behind me

In grade 6 or 7, I can't quite remember, a new kid came to our school. His name was Breaden. He was big for his age and kinda tuff looking. It didn't take me long to figure out he was not the kind of guy I wanted to be friends with. He would make strange comments and acted so tuff, which he was! He was the first boy I remember hearing sexual comments from. He ended up going to the same highschool as me. I remember a few times him making some remarks to me and how they shook me up. He actually lived about 5 blocks from my house all through school. A friend of mine told me that Breaden and a few of his friends once wrote up a plan with diagrams of how they were going to break into my house while we were home and do nasty things. Scary!

He died in prison a few days ago. He beat two men to death on separate occasions in 1995. He was sentenced to life in prison and was said to be a 'serial killer in the making.'

Let me also share this part of the story with you. The same year he went to prison I was traveling with Lifeforce (a Christian theatre company). While in Fredericton I came upon a man who had a ministry to prisoners. He has written some books and I took a few to give away. My first thought was that I should mail them to Breaden. From that day until just a few weeks ago a couple times a year I have that same thought. How I should write him a letter or just something. I never did. I know that God was asking me to and I never did. CRAP. I can hardly believe I did it again.

The year I lost 3 grandparents I felt I needed to write them and tell them how much I appreciated them. How even though I had not spent much time with them they meant a lot to me. They were all awesome Godly people and I felt their prayers in my life. I wrote the letters and they sat there. Day after day, month after month until it was to late. I lost all three in a mater of a few months. It was horrible. I missed my chance. Gone. I learned something about listening to God. That's why I can hardly believe I did it again. I knew God was asking me to contact Breaden. God wanted to use me and I heard but didn't listen.

Lord teach me to not only hear you but to listen and take action when you wish.
hayes at 9:08 p.m.